Environment Water Treatment

Our dedication lies in environmental water treatment as we strive to develop technologies that cater to the increasing demands placed on diminishing global water resources. We work closely with our customers to mitigate the environmental consequences arising from human activities that impact the world's water supply.

Austro Carbon provides a wide range of solutions for environmental water treatment applications. Our offerings include granular activated carbon, powdered activated carbon, reactivated carbon, equipment, and ion exchange technologies. These comprehensive solutions are designed to effectively remove various contaminants from water, such as organic compounds, perfluorinated compounds, hydrogen sulfide, methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE), trihalomethane (THM), and perchlorate.

Applications :

  Remediation Water Treatment

  Industrial waste Water

  Landfill Leachate

  Pond / Aquarium / Swim

  Ballast Water Treatment


Get In Touch

Contact Info

Phone number

(456) 789 10 12

(456) 789 10 15

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Address info

1363-1385 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles