Mercury Removal

As global front runners in activated carbon solutions for mercury removal, we prioritize ongoing research and development endeavors aimed at reducing the cost associated with capturing mercury.

Austro Carbon is deeply committed to assisting plant owners and operators in meeting progressively stringent environmental regulations in the most cost-effective manner feasible. Our FLUEPAC solution is specifically engineered to treat diverse flue gas compositions.

It offers a remarkable combination of high adsorption capacity for various pollutants, exceptional rates of mercury removal, and minimal carbon usage. Our track record speaks for itself, positioning Austro Carbon as a recognized pioneer in the field of mercury removal.

Applications :

  Flue Gas

  Liquefied Natural Gas


Get In Touch

Contact Info

Phone number

(456) 789 10 12

(456) 789 10 15

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Address info

1363-1385 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles