Residential Point

Carbon filters are commonly employed in commercial, industrial, and residential buildings to treat water either at the point of entry (POE) or the point of use (POU) before it reaches the end users.

At Austro Carbon, we specialize in producing premium activated carbons specifically designed for residential POU/POE water treatment. Our activated carbons serve various purposes, including enhancing taste and odor, reducing chlorine levels, effectively removing chloramines through catalytic processes, and inhibiting bacterial growth with bacteriostatic properties.

To ensure consistent and high-quality products, Austro Carbon has developed advanced manufacturing processes for the activated carbons used in POU/POE purification. Our product range includes coconut-based activated carbon options for POU/POE purification, and we take pride in being one of the few producers offering coal-based carbons for POU/POE drinking water filters.

Applications :

  Consumer Filtration

  Whole Home


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Phone number

(456) 789 10 12

(456) 789 10 15

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Address info

1363-1385 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles